Behold, the Heart that loves so much!

¡He aquí el Corazón que tanto ha amado!

Parish Updates

Información Parroquial

tithing: an aspect of life with christ | el diezmo: un aspecto de la vida con cristo

A pledge is a commitment to tithe a certain amount to the parish for the calendar year.

You can use this link to tithe electronically, including one-time collections such as our Pro-Life causes (Prepares), Peter’s Pence, Holy Land etc. If you are a registered parishioner, you may also receive envelopes for tithing at the parish.

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“We do not believe in an ethereal God, we believe in a God who became flesh, who has a heart and this heart today speaks to us”
~ Pope Francis ~
”Nosotros no creemos en un Dios etéreo, creemos en un Dios que se hizo carne, que tiene un corazón, y ese corazón hoy nos habla así”
~ Papa Francisco ~